- Semen For Sale
- Academy International P107 - VERY HIGH PERFORMING AKAUSHI BULL

A$200 / straw and USA $200 / straw
#1 highest performing Red Wagyu bull on the Wagyu Breeder Index and Self-Replacing Index
Born: 4 November 2018
Birth weight: 40 kgs.
Sire: Kalanga Red Star C402
Purchased in 2009 as an impressive yearling, he was well-advanced for weight, type and collected semen for international sales, compared to his siblings.
Dam: Kalanga B647
Purchased as a beautiful 2 y.o. heifer with bull calf at foot; sent to stud for embryo collection for the overseas market.
Kalanga B647 flushed very well. Unfortunately the donors failed their final ANO test so the last batch of 30 plus embryos was returned. Her embryos remained ‘in the tank’ for a number of years.
Once Breedplan was implemented, it transpired that Kalanga B647 was the highest performing cow with progeny in the country, and still is today.
12 embryos between B647 and C402 produced 2 bulls and 6 heifers, all born of exceptional quality; P107 being the outstanding bull.
Had it not been for the failure of the ANO test, the progeny of this wonderful, quiet cow would have been lost to the country.
The calves were weaned at just over 4 months, due to the drought.
Weight Development of P107
4 months - 230kgs
12 months - 462kgs
18 months - 683kgs
6th March 2021 - 872kgs
Height - 60" : daily gain of 1.2kg per day on grass (and silage in the drought).
P107 has grown into a very well-balanced and structurally correct sire, exhibiting a quiet temperament.
P107's true value lies in his ability to gain weight easily on grass and to also pass on the meat-quality attributes demonstrated by the Kumamoto (Akaushi) Red Wagyu cattle. Their marbling, while not known to be as high as the best black Wagyu cattle, is far superior to any other breed of cattle.
When used on other breeds of cattle, the Kumamoto Reds cross beautifully; used with Senepols the results are excellent. Expect:
Increased fertility
Tidying up of the udders with small teats
Strong suspensory ligaments
Smoothing out of the sheaths
Improved feet and walking
Higher meat quality
P107 is owned by Valerosa Pastoral Co. – Code Red Wagyu, Alpha, Qld.
A$200 / straw and USA $200 / straw
#1 highest performing Red Wagyu bull on the Wagyu Breeder Index and Self-Replacing Index
Born: 4 November 2018
Birth weight: 40 kgs.
Sire: Kalanga Red Star C402
Purchased in 2009 as an impressive yearling, he was well-advanced for weight, type and collected semen for international sales, compared to his siblings.
Dam: Kalanga B647
Purchased as a beautiful 2 y.o. heifer with bull calf at foot; sent to stud for embryo collection for the overseas market.
Kalanga B647 flushed very well. Unfortunately the donors failed their final ANO test so the last batch of 30 plus embryos was returned. Her embryos remained ‘in the tank’ for a number of years.
Once Breedplan was implemented, it transpired that Kalanga B647 was the highest performing cow with progeny in the country, and still is today.
12 embryos between B647 and C402 produced 2 bulls and 6 heifers, all born of exceptional quality; P107 being the outstanding bull.
Had it not been for the failure of the ANO test, the progeny of this wonderful, quiet cow would have been lost to the country.
The calves were weaned at just over 4 months, due to the drought.
Weight Development of P107
4 months - 230kgs
12 months - 462kgs
18 months - 683kgs
6th March 2021 - 872kgs
Height - 60" : daily gain of 1.2kg per day on grass (and silage in the drought).
P107 has grown into a very well-balanced and structurally correct sire, exhibiting a quiet temperament.
P107's true value lies in his ability to gain weight easily on grass and to also pass on the meat-quality attributes demonstrated by the Kumamoto (Akaushi) Red Wagyu cattle. Their marbling, while not known to be as high as the best black Wagyu cattle, is far superior to any other breed of cattle.
When used on other breeds of cattle, the Kumamoto Reds cross beautifully; used with Senepols the results are excellent. Expect:
Increased fertility
Tidying up of the udders with small teats
Strong suspensory ligaments
Smoothing out of the sheaths
Improved feet and walking
Higher meat quality
P107 is owned by Valerosa Pastoral Co. – Code Red Wagyu, Alpha, Qld.