Lot 1. JASFM00535
Born 8 April 16
Weight at 14.5 months 352 Kgs Frame 4 Testicles 30 cm.
FTI + $161 Growth + 19 Top 26% of breed. Marble Score +.4 Top 40 % of breed
Nicely made, quiet, very nice pedigree, full blood bull.
Lot 2. AWSPM0003
Born 29 March 16
Weight at 15 months 477kgs.
Growth 600 day +35kgs. milk +7 EMA +1.7
Marble score+ 0.4 FTI +$181
A very balanced bull, good for everything. Out of my top cow family - a Z278 son out of a Y4 daughter.
Lot 3. AWSPM0004
Born 19 April 16
Weight at 14 months 411kgs.
Growth 600 day +41kgs. milk +8 EMA +2.2
Marble score 0.0 FTI +$115
M4 will grow into a big, strong bull who will give high growth, high milk, high EMA. A great 2 step bull whose daughters you should retain.
Lot 4. AWSPM0005
Born 3 May 2016
Weight at 12 months 426kgs.
Weight 600 day + 44 kgs. Top 4% of the Breed Milk +11 Top 1% of the breed
Carcass weight +25kgs.
Another two step bull for European Bos Indicus and XB cattle to really give some growth performance.
A very nicely made, quiet, front paddock bull.
Lot 5. AWSPM0004
Born 19 April 16 35 Kgs $6,000 + GST
Weight at 10 months 354 Kgs. Frame Testicles Quiet
Weight 600 day + 40Kgs Top 5 % of breed Milk + 8 Top 5% of breed.
Lot 6. AWSPM0013
Born 24 May 16
Weight at 13 months 381 Kgs.
Growth 600 day +19 Milk +6 CWT +12
IMF +0.3 FTI + $113
Another all-round bull well above breed average in all traits.
Out of a lovely well bread cow.
Lot 7. AWSPM0039
Born 23 June 16
Weight at 12 months 386kgs
Growth +40Milk +4.0 marble score +0.4
Another all round bull, high for growth, good for milk +4, marbling +0.4 and FTI at +$196.
Suitable for heifers of all breeds. Born unassisted out of heifers.
Lot 8. AWS2M0008
Born 19 May 16 36 Kgs.
Weight 12.5 months 401 Kgs. Frame Testicles Quiet
Will be high for Marbling, High for Growth, High for Milk.
Wagyu 75% Senepol 25%
Lot 9. AWS2M0028
Born 6 June 2016 28 Kgs.
Weight at 12.5 months 402kgs. Frame Testicles Quiet
Will be high for Marblig, high for Growth and high for Milk
Wagyu 75% Senepol 25%