Lot 1. JASFM00509
Born 22 April 16 $8,000 + GST
Weight at 11 months 282 Kgs Frame 4.4 Testicles Quiet.
FTI $230 Top 10% of breed. Marble Score +.7 Top 15 % of breed.
Lot 2. JASFM00515
Born 22 April 16 $7,000 + GST
Weight at 11 months 286 Frame 5.1 Testicles 22 cm. Quiet
FTI $186Top 15 % of breed. Marble Score+ .5Top 25% of breed.
Lot 3. JASFM00535
Born 8 April 16 $7,000 + GST
Weightat 10 months 253 Kgs Frame 4 Testicles 26 cm. Quiet
FTI + $162 Growth + 19Top 26% of breed. Marble Score +.4 Top 40 % of breed.
Lot 4. JASFM00506
Born 25 March 15 $7,000 + GST
Weight at 12 months 284 Kgs, Frame 5.2 Testicles 22 cm Quiet
FTI+ $156Top 30% of breed. Marble Score + .4Top 40% of breed.
Lot 5. AWSPM0073
Born 14 April 16 $6000 + GST
Weight at 11 months 332kgs Frame Testicles
Lot 6. AWSPM0066
Born 2 May 16 $6000 + GST
Weight at 10 months 320 kgs Frame Testicles
Lot 7. AWSPM0074
Born 3 May 2016 $6000 + GST
Weight at 10 months 335 kgs Frame Testicles
Lot 8.AWSPM0005
Born 3 May 2016 35 Kgs $6,000 + GST
Weight at 10 months 345 Kgs. Frame Testicles Quiet
Weight 600 day + 44 kgs. Top 4% of the Breed Milk +11 Top 1% of the breed.
Lot 9. AWSPM0004
Born 19 April 16 35 Kgs $6,000 + GST
Weight at 10 months 354 Kgs. Frame Testicles Quiet
Weight 600 day + 40Kgs Top 5 % of breed Milk + 8 Top 5% of breed.
Lot 10. AWSPM0013
Born 24 May 16 34 Kgs. $6,000 + GST
Weight at 10 months 330 Kgs. Frame Testicles Quiet
Milk + 7 Top 5% of Breed Growth +35 KgsTop 10% of Breed
Lot 11. The Wright Wagyu KI J202 (HPCPJ0202)
Born 10 July 13 $8,000 + GST
A high IMF young sire from a very good cow family by one of the top performing sires in The Wright Wagyu herd. He has an all black pedigree but carries the red gene whichI am endeavouring to stabilise.
KI was used as a yearling and at 18 months weighed 470 Kgs. He has a large EMA of 84 sq.cm. and is frame 6 bull with the potential to grow into a very big bull.
Has an SCD score of AA, which is the ideal fat that melts at a lower temperature.
Semen can be collected at short notice if anyone is interested.
KI will be bred to red heifers with quite different pedigrees such as HPCPJ0271 and HPCPJ0354 with the hope of getting some red offspring.
Suitable for heifers of all breeds. Born unassisted out of heifers.
Lot 12. AWS2M0008
Born 19 May 16 36 Kgs. $5,000 + GST
Weight 10 months 320 Kgs. Frame Testicles Quiet
Will be high for Marbling, High for Growth, High for Milk.
Wagyu 75% Senepol 25%
Lot 13. AWS2M0028
Born 6 June 2016 28 Kgs. $5,000 + GST
Weight at 9 months 322kgs. Frame Testicles Quiet
Will be high for Marblig, high for Growth and high for Milk
Wagyu 75% Senepol 25%
Lot 14. AWSPM00010
FTI + $233 Top 6 % of breed. Marble Score +1.0Top 3% of breed.
Lot 15. AWSPM0033
FTI + $207Top 10% of breed. Marble Score + 1.1 Top 3% of Breed
Lot 16. JASFM00535
FTI + $198Top 15% of breed. Marble Score +.4Top 40% of breed.
Lot 17. AWSPM0069
Birth 0 600 Day growth +8 Milk +4 Marbling +4
Lot 18. AWSPM0070
Milk +7Top 5% of breed. Growth + 26 Top 25% of breed
FTI + $233 Top 6 % of breed. Marble Score +1.0Top 3% of breed.